Break Every Chain!

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 ...Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, 
and he saved them from their distress. He brought them out of darkness and the deepest gloom and broke away their chains.   
Psalm 107:13-14(NIV)

Why do I so often try to argue with God?
About my calling…
About His prompting…
What I want His will for me to be…
My reasons for not following…
My excuses for waiting, instead of stepping out…

Why do I let fear and uncertainty take precedence…when I know God will provide and protect me?

(These are questions I recently was moved to ask myself after listening to the message my pastor gave at my church.)

We try to reduce the will of God to the logical limits of our brains, but the will of God is not logical. He doesn’t always make sense. And, honestly, it sometimes feels like we’re on a wild goose chase. “Much like a wild goose, the Spirit of God cannot be tracked or tamed. An element of danger, an air of unpredictability surrounds Him”

God has a grand design, and we are a part of His greater work. Our part is faithfulness and hard work. God’s part is leading us into wise decisions, which produce the right results as He receives the glory. As followers of Christ, the quality and quantity of our work is a reflection on God.

Awesome Song!

 (Remember to mute or stop the music on my playlist on the right sidebar)
This was the song we sang during the worship and music part of our service.
Praying your heart is touched, like it touched me.

Linking up at:


  1. Hi Ann - I am so grateful that God breaks our chains. So grateful that He shows us the ways in which we tie ourselves up. Great post and thank you for linking up. I love seeing you there.
    God bless

    1. I am so thankful, too, Tracy! I just wish I wasn't so doggone stubborn, sometimes! But God is faithful

  2. "We try to reduce the will of God to the logical limits of our brains, but the will of God is not logical."

    This is a very profound statement and I wholeheartedly agree. We often try to limit God based on what we perceive to be our abilities. However, His ways are higher. When we surrender to His will, there is no limit as to what He can do through us.

    Thank you for linking up, Ann.


    1. Thanks for stopping over to read and comment, Joan! Sometimes the most profound words touch the heart in the deepest places.


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