Sharing from "Sharing the Journey: Christ in the Gifts"

I wanted to share a blog post called "Christ in the Gifts"  (hmmm, sounds awfully close to a blog name, doesn't it)  over at Sharing the Journey. Guest writer, Jodi, describes her family's gift-giving traditions and how they coincide with the three wise men in the Christmas story. I liked that idea a lot. Go check it out here to read more about it.

Source: via Ann on Pinteres
I was thinking about gift-giving in our house. When our kids, then our grandkids, were younger, gift-giving was more about things (toys, candy, etc). There’s just something about the excitement of watching a youngster wake up Christmas morning and tear open presents that they have been waiting weeks to open. But our youngest is 19 and the grand kids are getting older and often we don’t get a chance to see them on Christmas. So it seems that gift-giving has been changing slowly over the years. Money is a little tighter and the idea of buying more stuff we really don’t need has affected our priorities when it comes to gift buying. Our values are more centered on giving to those in need, spending time with family and experiencing new endeavors together. We may also be moving this coming year into a smaller home on a local lake, so we are starting to downsize in order to prepare for a more relaxed and laid-back lifestyle. (The hubs would like to retire a little early and moving would help him make that possible). We plan on exchanging a few gifts this year, but more importantly, we plan on enjoying some small day-trips together over Christmas break, are planning a family vacation out west in the spring, and want to help some young people who have become an important part of our lives. It’s pretty amazing, how different phases of life bring different priorities. It’s actually less stressful and we can really dwell upon the true Gift, Jesus, who often gets put on the back burner once the holiday arrives.  My gratitude list is mostly a repeat of what I have previously posted, but I find these things come to mind as I think about what I have to be thankful for the most this Christmas…..

335. Salvation     
336. Loving husband and son
337. Friends
338. Family (including extended)     
339. Husband’s job
340. A home
341. Christ’s birth!!!!
342. God’s Word
343. Eternal Hope
344. Time with family

What are your family's gift-giving traditions like?
May you find the important things this Christmas to be about people, experiences, and God's love for us!!

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  1. We, too, have downsized our gift-giving in recent years. My husband and I don't exchange gifts at all -- we usually enjoy dinner out together to catch up during the holiday season (I'd much rather spend quality time with him than receive another sweater!).

    So glad you've joined Hear It on Sunday, Use It on Monday -- it's lovely to meet you here, Ann.

  2. Such a great idea to make your gifts to each other special days of spending time together! Love the pics of you and your family in the sidebar. I'm visiting with the blog hop from Doorkeeper ( Blessings!

  3. What wonderful blessings you have! #343 is my favorite...eternal hope!

  4. This year, our most precious gifts (besides, of course the gift of Christ and our salvation) has been time spent together with family. Our children are grown and live many miles away. However, this Christmas season we have been truly blessed by being able to visit with them not once...but several times! I am thanking God for the special moments He is giving us with our loved ones. I pray that your Christmas is full of love and laughter as you celebrate our Savior's birth!

  5. Thanks for mentioning my post, Ann! You can find me blogging at


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