I graduated from college almost 27 years ago. (Wow! That makes me feel old!) There are many memories of my college days. For some reason, one that sticks out for me was my first Christmas in the dorms. My roommate that year was from Taiwan. Our girl’s dorm hall had a door decorating contest. We spent a whole weekend decorating our door with a nativity scene, the words ‘Emmanuel, God with us’ in English and also in Mandarin (her native language). We won the ‘best religious door’ that year. Now, every time I hear the name, Emmanuel, I think about those days of door decorating. Too bad I didn’t take a picture of the door. It was really cool black and white cutout picture, similar to this...

I'm linking my post today over to
Pinning and Singing

 Once again, I find myself listening to a song by Chris Tomlin, called Emmanuel.(To hear this, you can turn off my playlist on the right sidebar by hitting the big 'stop' button.)

Emmanuel by Chris Tomlin


Also sharing this traditional song of "Oh,Come, O Come, Emmanuel" by BarlowGirl

Also sharing some pics from my Pinterest "Christmas Board" pages

{Born to Die}
{A beach Christmas}


{Peaceful candle centerpiece}



Source: etsy.com via Ann on Pinterest

Source: etsy.com via Ann on Pinterest

Have a wonderful weekend!

Also linking up at At The Picket Fence


  1. O, Come is one of my all time favorite Christmas songs. Lovely post and lovely memories for you!

  2. Thanks for stopping by ladies!! I checked out both of your blogs, too! Very nice! Follow me and I'll follow you. Come back soon!

  3. Beautiful. And I love the song! I actually got inspired and put red balls around a candle on a pretty plate....and the photo wasn't near as pretty as yours!


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