Another New Year's Celebration

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A little over two days left till we say goodbye to 2011 and welcome in 2012.

Some people like to reflect and reminisce about the past year, what they have accomplished or experienced. Some like to look more to the future, making New Year's resolutions or anticipating new experiences they plan on having. Some just live for the moment, celebrating with friends or family.

It seems like the older I get, the less excited I get about this holiday. I don't know. Maybe it's because this is a reminder that I'm getting older and another year has just zoomed by me.  In the last few years, I find myself staying at home, just me and my hubby, on New Year's Eve and falling asleep once the ball drops in New York City. (I think I actually fell asleep before the ball dropped last year) There's not a lot of reflecting or reminiscing going on, nor do I like to make New Year's resolutions.(I usually don't follow thru with them and end up disappointing myself.)

I did write a mission statement for myself in 2011....."to spread optimism with my arms and heart wide open and truly LIVE LARGE for Jesus!"
I started writing my gratitude list a little over a year ago and continue to keep adding to that. I truly believe I have been able to be more optimistic as a whole (probably couldn't apply that to my attitude about New Years celebrations, though). I'm not sure how LARGE I have lived, but maybe I should have been more specific, since I feel like if anything, I've gained some weight....not the kind of large I wanted :)

Which leads me to I said I don't like resolutions, but I like to set goals for myself and am still looking for a new mission statement for myself for the new year.
  1. Like I mentioned, I gained some unwanted weight last year. I REALLY would like to lose at least 40 pounds this year, preferably by June, when I hope to be taking a family vacation/belated 25th anniversary trip.
  2.  Another goal is actually taking a long awaited trip out west - and my hubby and I renewing our wedding vows on a sandy beach.(which is my motivation to lose the weight, too.)
  3. I also have the goal of helping my son become more independent. It's not been easy, with the economy being the way it is. He wants to move out on his own, but the search for a full-time job has been a challenge for him. He currently is working part-time and living at home. Some things we have no control over, but I do plan on encouraging him to seek his independence financially and emotionally.
  4. There have been and continues to be lots of changes in all of our lives. We have been waiting to see if the sale of  our house, which is pending the sale of the buyer's house, will be completed or not. It's been several months and the market is not good. So I hope to either complete that move or if it doesn't transpire, that I can make some much needed cosmetic changes to our current house.
  5. As you may have noticed, I've recently made some changes to the layout of my blog. I am constantly learning new things about blogging and want to continue to learn. I also want to make more connections with other bloggers and make new bloggy friends. I've really found this community of writers/photographers/educators/encouragers so much fun!
  6. Finally, I would like to find a new mission statement for may have something to do with my spiritual walk, my relationships, or a major goal that will better my life as a whole.(I'll keep you all posted when I get that new mission statement)
I'll probably spend New Year's Eve at home, as usual, falling asleep at midnight. Maybe I'll make it till after the ball drops this year.  I have been enjoying the past week and have yet another week to relax and do some fun things with my hubby(who is on vacation) and son. After that, I think life will go back to some normalcy, but who knows. It will be interesting see all the possibilities. I do know I want to look to God for direction each and every day. He is my guide and my support.

Whatever you plan on doing this New Year's Eve, and in the coming year, may you find love and happiness through Christ, family, and friends.

Linking on over at:
Reflections of His Grace


  1. I have spent more new years eves at home rather than away. Too many drunk drivers on the road. however, this year we plan to go to our neighbors for a bonfire, taco soup, and fireworks. (

    I'm like you, I don't like to make resolutions, but goal setting gives us somethign to strive toward.

    I wish you a blessed new year. (And I do like the new look to your blog.



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