Just Not Up To Par

Don't know what the deal is lately, friends, but I just haven't had anything new to share here on my blog. So, I'm sharing a verse and will continue to add to my gratitude list for now.
Often wisdom invites us to ponder great questions. The question, “Can anyone make straight what God has made crooked?” echoes the words of 1:15—“Something crooked cannot be made straight.” Only God can determine what is and what is not. God makes our paths crooked or straight. And we often do not understand why one person’s way is straight and another’s is crooked. The message of the teacher is simple: reverence God regardless of 
the path you have been given to walk.(source)

"When times are good,
  enjoy them and be happy.
 When times are bad,
   think about this:
    God makes both good and bad times,
        so that no one really knows what is coming next."(Ecclesiastes 7:14, The Voice)

#1799 - Baking lots of yummy sweets while snowed in at home for 2 days... 

#1800 - Getting to see the movie "Risen" with the hubby and my mom. (Very emotionally moving and unique movie...)

#1801 - A flock of Canadian geese that stopped in front of our cottage for a short visit. 

#1802 - The wonderful variety of God's creation(enjoying the colorful and unique design of the birds He made.)

#1803 - Between the blizzard-filled, snowy days, a day(or even a few hours) of sunshine.

#1804 - My sweet doggie friends...Cheyenne

#1805 - and Jet

#1806 - For shelter and warmth on a cold blizzardy day.  

#1807 - That the Lord protected and kept me safe while I was travelling on the road in this weather.

May you all have a warm and blessed week!!
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  1. Lovely photos Ann! Thanks for sharing the verse as well, something to ponder. : )

    1. Thanks, Cathy! Yes, we often try to figure out the "whys" of life's difficulties, but God made both the good and bad times. There will be days when we need to just walk in faith.

  2. The 'going through' is sometimes difficult, especially when we don't even know what we are going through! Hope you're feeling better soon! Thank you for sharing!


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