Those Emotional “Ups and Downs”

Whoever says it's easy to be a woman needs to go through the hormonal challenges that we go through! source Perimenopause , which means "around menopause ," refers to the 2 to 8 years of changing hormone levels and related symptoms that lead up to menopause . (I've been one of the "lucky" ones to have been going through it, going on 12 years, now! ) The most common sign of perimenopause is longer, often irregular menstrual cycles that are caused by hormonal ups and downs. Perimenopause is a time of unpredictability. Menstrual and hormone-related symptoms are different for every woman. Some ( lucky ones )notice few or no changes. And others have severe symptoms that disrupt their sleep and daily lives. As during the teen years, irregular cycles can lead to heavy menstrual bleeding . Other common symptoms include mild to severe hot flashes , insomnia , cloudy thinking, headaches , heart palp...