Those Emotional “Ups and Downs”

Whoever says it's easy to be a woman needs to go through the hormonal challenges that we go through!

Perimenopause, which means "around menopause," refers to the 2 to 8 years of changing hormone levels and related symptoms that lead up to menopause. (I've been one of the "lucky" ones to have been going through it, going on 12 years, now!) The most common sign of perimenopause is longer, often irregular menstrual cycles that are caused by hormonal ups and downs.

Perimenopause is a time of unpredictability. Menstrual and hormone-related symptoms are different for every woman. Some (lucky ones)notice few or no changes. And others have severe symptoms that disrupt their sleep and daily lives. As during the teen years, irregular cycles can lead to heavy menstrual bleeding. Other common symptoms include mild to severe hot flashes, insomnia, cloudy thinking, headaches, heart palpitations, mood swings, irritability, depression, and anxiety. Some of these symptoms can also be related to aging and other life changes.

How can I relieve my symptoms?

I’ve tried several natural therapies and vitamins. The most effective approach to relief covers the foundation of women’s health: a deliberate diet, enjoyable exercise(which I've gotten away from), rest and relaxation, herbs and nutrients targeted to hormonal balance, and solid emotional support. Stress level also has a major influence, so learning stress reducing activities may help.

Also, it's encouraged to start with a pharmaceutical-grade multivitamin-mineral complex. I use a set of supplements that were prescribed by a women's natural hormone replacement specialist at a local pharmacy. Such targeted nutritional support may be enough to begin healing your hormonal pathways. Most women find that adding high-quality nutrients and phytotherapy is enough. Others need more support to reach ideal symptom relief. Different women have different needs, so you may want to work with a practitioner to decide which added therapies would help you. (For me, these things helped some, but I still struggle with occasional symptoms, sometime severe.)

O.k. all you perimenopausal/menopausal women, please stand and take a bow!!! You deserve to be treated like a queen!! Also, any women with PMS or PMDD may join this group of sufferers!     

For a little humor, here is an old blog post from the blog "Ungirdled Passions" that had me laughing and crying all at the same time. Author, Tracy, describes her take on the hormonal issues we often face. And having a teenager, too!?! Oh, my, not good!!

All kidding aside, I really dislike this part of being a woman!! Guess I'm feeling several of the symptoms today and it sucks! Praying the Lord gives me some relief! Also praying for any of you out there in blogger-land that are also suffering. May we let this difficulty be something that will give God glory and each of us greater faith and strength!

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us." Romans 8:18

Linking over at these blog hops:
On Your Heart Tuesday @ A Pause on the Path

Gathering at the Grace Cafe' @ Reflections of His Grace

 Heartprint Hallelujahs @ Heartprints of God
Faith Filled Friday @ Beholding Glory

Bless and Be Blessed @ Bible Love Notes

Sharing His Beauty @ The Beauty in His Grip


  1. We women definitely have our challenges with hormonal life changes from adolescence on. While I know we are designed by God, I think the hormone imbalances are part of the fall. No fun at all : )
    Thanks for linking up to B&BB. I pray that you have a non-hormonal week : )

    1. I agree, Gail. We can blame that rotten 'ole devil for tempting Eve to eat that apple, right?! :)

  2. I slipped and slidded through this hormonal change, blessed indeed.
    May you enjoy relaxing after your exercise and diet!

  3. This blog is beautiful and attractive and also this post is fantastic. Hormonal change is definitely different women to women. Menopause is a natural process not a disease. Thanks for thin information i will come again and again.


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