Not the Adventurous Type

Being married for over 25 years, I realize  that my husband is a pretty level headed, practical, predictable guy. That was actually one thing that attracted me to him so many years ago. The thing is, I'm also realizing that as we get a little older, he is definitely NOT the adventurous type anymore. Not that he was adventurous ever. In fact, his lack of adventure sometimes has come across as dull and boring. I guess I am mentioning this because, even though I've never been real adventurous, either, I sometimes dream of doing something totally out of my character, something that may be impractical, but would be fun!! I've brought the idea a up couple of times with my hubby, but his response is, "well, that would be nice, but not practical."  Oh, phooeey!!! One of these times, I'm going to do something just to be different and not worry if it is practical or not!! (Of course, I still would have to be conscious of how it would affect those I love), but just go for it!! Don't get me wrong. I love my hubby so much for being who he is! I can count on him for so many things. He's got a great heart and wants to do the right thing.

I met with my mentor and friend today and she encouraged me to try something different, too, just to spice things up in my life! I think we all need a little spice in our lives every now and then, don't you?

 Sharing the blessings God has bestowed upon me as I take part in the Joy Dare.
A gift bent, beautiful, loved.
812. bent - The words to a song I love...
How He Loves, by David Crowder
 (First verse)
 He is jealous for me,
Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree,
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy.
When all of a sudden,
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realise just how beautiful You are,
And how great Your affections are for me.
813. loved - me! Jesus loves me, this I know(also stated in the song above!)
814. beautiful -my garden continues to produce some beautiful flowers!

 3 gifts found in light 
815. my doggies faces! (They love being out in the sun.)
816. light that shines on a spider web in the grass at the edge of my garden.
817. light that makes shadows on my porch and gives life to my flowers.

3 gifts that are difficult
818. Learning how to live with an adult child - too young to be totally independent, yet old enough he can make his own choices in life.
819. Getting through the day's activities when I'm not feeling real well.
820. Leaning on God; not worrying about others or letting situations control my emotions.

3 gifts found around a table
821. Having tea and dessert on the front porch with my hubby.
822. Having lunch with my son and his girlfriend after church service.
823. Laughing out loud and being totally open and real with a friend!

 A gift in water, in words, in white
824. water -getting to spend an afternoon at the beach with my best friend!
825. words - encouragement from a friend!
826. white - my white hydrangeas, producing beautiful flowers, even though the grass (notice how brown it is in the background!) is dying, due to a drought in our area.

3 gifts in someone older than you
827. Fishing with my mama(75 years old)
828. An elderly lady getting into the music(dancing, lifting arms) at our church worship uplifting!
829. Meeting and talking with my mentor, Marg. (Even though, I don't feel like she is any older than me!) I appreciate her wisdom and caring heart!

Linking over at these blog parties:


  1. Wonderful thought of thankfulness. You are blessed. ~Di

  2. I smiled all the way through your post. The photo of you with your best friend - what a beautiful background. I love lighthouses. Where was that taken?

    Thanks for making me smile and for linking up to my blog.

    1. That was in on Lake Michigan in Michigan City, Indiana. I love that little town! There is so much to do in a day...the beach, an outlet mall, a zoo!! Great place!! It's kind of a middle point between my friend and I ~ She lives in Michigan and I live in Indiana.

  3. Loved your list and will be back to visit again another day. And 818...definitely a difficult blessing. My daughter (20 next month) still lives at home and the meeting of our two ideas of how home should be are just a little stressful.

    1. Thank you, Stacy! Please, do come back, again!!! My son will be 20 in August...sounds like we are in the same phase in parenting. And,it's definitely not easy. But God is good He will get us through this time!!

  4. What a wonderful inspirational post. I love it when you find so much things to to thank God for:) Dropping by from " The beauty in his grip"

    1. Thanks, Joy! Sometimes it takes more effort than others, but is well worth taking the time to write my blessings down. Especially when things are difficult!!

  5. You never know what God is going to do when you step out in adventure and faith! Can't wait to hear about what you try!


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