

Well, we made it!! What a trip it was!!! (If you are a bit confused by this, read my previous post)  Life has been anything, but dull, since we arrived!! Our first project to do, unload our U-haul. That was a full day's work....over 8 hours of unloading and fitting everything into a storage unit. Once that was done, we got some time to catch up on sleep and just rest. But, after a day of that, we were ready to start looking at houses. This was exciting for us, but also a bit disheartening. The handful of houses we thought we would be interested in all had some serious issues. After a couple of days of this, we took today off.  We have been taking in all the beautiful scenery, from the forested mountains, to the coastal towns and cities. We spent some time also walking the beaches and watching the ocean, along the Pacific coast!! The waves were crazy big. We had been warned about "creeper waves" on these shores. So, we didn't get too close to the water. But, ultimate


  Wow!! I've shared so much about my mom and how blessed I am to have had such a close relationship with her. She passed away on June 26th, 2023. She will always be remembered as a strong, kind, and loving mom to me, Ken, and Tyler. As we go on in our lives, as we must do, we will always take our memories of mom with us. Back in 2019, I started a Facebook page to keep track of all the wonderful memories with mom, as well as our own personal memories and travel adventures, which we have loved going on. In every adventure, every activity, every new move, our memories of mom's love have gone with us and will continue to go with us!! That made me think that I really should rename that FB page... from "Love Through My Mother's Eyes" to "Love, Live, Travel (Just like mama did)!" For many years, we have enjoyed taking short trips all over the U.S. in our RV. Once we retired, we took longer trips and went on greater adventures. Once mom got ill, we took shorter


Some people, when they start to get older,  don't want to celebrate  or even recognize their birthday.  I'm definitely not one to party all day and night, but I never was one to do that anyway. I do believe that at least once a year we need to all consider all the  blessings God has bestowed on us, as well as be reminded of the  love we have by those closest to us. Whether it be old friends  from our youth, or new friends we've made through the years. Or  even family that have stayed close, whether they are blood  relatives or like family to us. When we are reminded of those who care deeply and want to continue having a connection with us, even as we age, that is priceless!!!! Aging can quickly creep up on each of us,  and none of us will keep from getting old,  if we live long enough to experience it.  That can mean a lot of things to lots of people. Some people want to age with grace.... What does that mean? Here are some definitions - Attitude : Aging with grace is not j


  elcome back to my blog, dear friends. It has been another couple of years since I've posted. In one sense, it feels likes a blink of an eye. In another, it feels like it's been eons. Again, so much has happened -  and so much is still happening, and yet things are standing still. Let me explain... To catch you all up quickly....if that is mother passed away one year ago on June 24, 2023. She suffered so much at the end of her life, so it was truly merciful for the the Lord to take her, even though my life was torn to pieces and the loss I have felt ever since then has been immense. She was and always will be my best friend on this earth.  Since then, my life has been in what I would call a stronghold of waiting and trying to move ahead all at the same time. I have felt like a box that has been in a vice, wanting to be set free. I can see the possibilities of where things could and should be going, but can not reach them, no matter how much I try to move ahead. P

2023: New Year. New WORDS, New Theme

  Hello all! Is it really 2023???  Well, COVID is at least unofficially over!! Praise God!! The past 2 years seemed to creep by, with the world fully engaged in the pandemic. My mom has continued to go downhill mentally and physically, but she is still with us. Over the past few years there have been some physical and emotional illnesses that continue to plague family members. There have been joyous the birth of our great grandson! We have done some traveling, but not as much as I would have liked. But, probably the most difficult part of that time for me has been, even after things started to open back up, that I was still doing a lot of things the same, day in and day out. Still visiting mom on a regular basis, making sure her health needs were met (still always a work in progress, as staff shortages continue in the nursing homes). Also, trying to know how to address some of the health issues at home. Praying continuously for healing over those who are suffering! But


  WOW!! Has it really been one and a half years since I've posted here on my blog page?  I guess I do have a pretty good excuse for not posting, though. Uhhhh, right....COVID, the state of our country and our world, mom taking a turn for the worse with her dementia, selling mom's house, family issues. In reality, they ARE excuses, but I think they are good ones. Don't you? Anyways, I'm back.(For now) Don't ask how I decided to come back...well, you can, but I won't go into detail. Basically, I was looking back on some past posts and realized that life has a way of grabbing you by the b&##$ and not letting go.  Life is such a contradiction of time, a polarity of feelings and experiences !  I feel like the past year and a half just stood still, I have no clue where it went. So much has changed...and yet, it hasn't. Sometimes, I SO WANT it to change. Other times, I don't. I am acutely aware of how fast time has passed – how fast it is passing – and as m

Burn The Ships

The beginning of a New Year often has us looking back and seeing how God has walked with us in the past and contemplating the year ahead .  We tend to want to hold on to the familiar, the easier path, the old ways....but these often become unhealthy, and even dangerous for us to continue down some paths/have relationships with some people in our lives. When we become aware of these different paths/people in our lives that can hinder/harm us, we may need to "rise from the dust and walk away".  "Burning the Ships" can be SO difficult(maybe even excruciating.)  I don't know about you, but FEAR often has kept me from burning the ships and moving ahead. Fear of rejection, fear of what others will think, fear of being alone, fear of not knowing the future. But, God reminds us that He will never leave us, nor forsake us. He is our source of strength. And He holds the future and will take care of us!! “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageou