CHRISTMAS AT THE COAST(and more bizzare events!)

 When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.” (Isaiah 43:2 (NLT)

In our case, that has literally been where He has led us! First came the Bomb Cyclone, which I mentioned in my last post! 

Then on December 5, a 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Northern California, which prompted a tsunami warning for parts of the California and Oregon coastlines. Praise God, nothing came of that warning.

That was followed by a recent UFO sighting on December 7th. Multiple pilots reported strange, red circular lights zipping around in the sky during flights over Oregon. The sightings occurred near Eugene, with pilots describing the objects as moving erratically at various high altitudes and in corkscrew patterns at extreme speeds. But Air Traffic Control could not see anything in satellite images. The sightings continued along the Oregon coast, up through Washington and even into Alaska over a short period of time!!

Finally, last week we had a second "King Tide", which in some areas brought on another bomb cyclone.

With that being said, I can truly say God has put us here to remind us that He is still in control and man can't predict, nor do we understand a lot of what happens around us!

I'm also reminded that:  "My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber." Psalm 121:23  

So, I will"Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the Lord!” This verse encourages believers to trust in God’s timing and faithfulness, even in the midst of uncertainty and waiting." Psalm 27:14


The Lord has also led us to find a house and get an accepted offer on it, which was officially confirmed TODAY!!!We have been so excited, yet the path to get us to have a closing has been anything but easy. The sellers weren't able to have everything moved out by closing, so time was allowed for that. We had a home inspection done, which identified many serious issues with the property itself. We are currently working on getting those issues addressed, which has also extended the dates we had hoped for….which has been to move in by Christmas. Unfortunately, it will be a few days after Christmas till we will close on the house. We know God has led us thus far and He will continue to lead us in His timing.

So it looks like we will most likely spend Christmas in our RV by the coast (or at least nearer to the property). 

Being near the coast, we have been able to enjoy a beautiful Christmas light event.

Shore Acres State Park, located on the Oregon Coast, offers a spectacular holiday lights display every winter season. With over 325,000 holiday lights (almost all LED), this dazzling spectacle attracts approximately 50,000 visitors each season to Oregon’s Adventure Coast, making it a beloved “community tradition” and one of the top “Best Of Oregon” destinations. There were SO many displays, I am only sharing some of them below!

There were lots of lighted Christmas pine trees, but I was drawn to this palm tree in the middle of the gardens! 

The Gardener’s House, located within the garden area, is open to visitors, who can explore the house and enjoy the beautiful views of the garden and the Pacific Ocean, while enjoying free cookies and hot cider or coffee.

Guests may also buy tickets to win a unique opportunity to a Christmas Eve overnight stay.
Every room is decorated for the Christmas season….

View from the upstairs bedroom window.

Here is a short video of some of the animated lights caught in motion….

Heavenly Father,

Where I go today, I pray it be only in the path You have directed for me.

If I stumble today, I pray it only be into the deep waters of grace You have provided for me.

No matter what storm comes my way and no matter where You lead me, I pray that my eyes will only be focused on You; my Rock and my Stay. Please, God, guide me today for I don’t know what the day may hold, but I do know that You are holding my day! Now, as the Christmas season has once again arrived, may we all dwell upon and be thankful for the ultimate gift, Your one and only Son, Jesus, who came to this earth as a baby, to save each and every one of us!!!

Lord, keep my family and loved ones safe the remaining days of 2024 and in the new year ahead of us.

In Jesus Name, Amen!


"You’ll travel safely, you’ll neither tire nor trip.

You’ll take afternoon naps without a worry,

you’ll enjoy a good night’s sleep.

No need to panic over alarms or surprises, or predictions

that doomsday’s just around the corner,

Because God will be right there with you;
he’ll keep you safe and sound."

Proverbs 3:23-26 (MSG)


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