
Showing posts from January 23, 2012

Tea Time Tuesday's 2nd Anniversary/Birthday Tea Party

Today I'm celebrating over at Rose Chintz Cottage where Sandi is celebrating Tea Time Tuesday's 2nd Anniversary/Birthday Tea Party . Because of her love of roses, she has asked her friends to share all our "rose-themed" tea things. Here are some of mine. This blue rose teapot was given to me by my mom. The teacup was an antique store find.   These sets of two different teapots with matching teacups are my favorites! The teapot and teacup on the left have music boxes in their bases.. Here is the musical teacup turned upside-down. Notice the little winder that is used to wind the music box up to play.The teacup plays "just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down." These teacup/teapot ornaments have rose designs on them I do love white roses, but I don't have anything with white roses on it. I found an awesome website, though, that made my mouth water with really cool tea things (and white rose designs!) It's called Cake Stand Heaven. Have

Relationships Take Work! ( Forgiveness - Part 1 )

Source: via Ann on Pinterest “ Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. .” Colossians 3:13 Understanding Marital Conflict from James 4:1-3 Just like any interaction between two people, disagreements in marriage are bound to happen. Sometime disagreements can turn into conflict and, if not dealt with wisely, can literally destroy a marriage. This is why so many marriage counselors and even businesses have offered conflict-resolution and problem-solving workshops. Why do couples fight and argue? Why can’t they just enjoy lasting peace? Didn’t they get married to have a greater life together than when single?  We need to realize that conflicts are more than the simple difference of opinion or approach. Conflicts are the way couples poorly carry out the expression of their varying viewpoints. “What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in