Ten Ways To Love - #3 & 4: Give and Pray

This is the second post in a series I'm writing, called Ten Ways to Love. 
To read part one, go HERE

Some people are always greedy for more,
    but the godly love to give!
Proverbs 21:26

 #3 on the list above is to "give, without sparing". What does that mean? I think it means to be willing to share the best of what you have with others who are in need. Whether it is money, time, material things, or a service/skill, when we give to others, without sparing(or holding back) we are showing the pure love of God. For, through Christ, He showed His ultimate love for us by sending His Son to die on the cross for our sins. He gave to us what was precious to Him. What a great example of love!! Are we willing to do the same?
 What is precious to you that you know would bless someone else?
Heart Graphic clipart
For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.
Colossians 1:9

Do you pray for your husband? For his well-being, for his spiritual walk, for his role as a husband and father? According to #4 on the list above, one way we can show love for others is to pray for them. As a parent, I find myself continually praying for my child's salvation, health, and safety. For those family members, co-workers, or even someone you have just met that has a need, prayer can show them what truly loving others is about. Don't you feel loved and considered important when someone tells you that they have been praying for you? (Or better yet, when they ask to pray with you.) I know I do.

 Today, I am listing some more reasons that I love my husband and linking over at the Happy Wives Club  blog hop!

Last week I listed 26 reasons I love my husband, for each year that we have been married.
Since today is February 7, I am going to list 7 more reasons:
27) He calls me every day when he is on his break at work, most of the time just to say 'hi' and see how I'm doing.
28) He is patient with me, when I get in a bad mood or am feeling grouchy.
29) He will change the channel on the TV, if there is a gory or scary show on that I don't like.(Even though that doesn't bother him)
30) He will surprise me now and then, by doing the dishes, when I get busy and fall behind.
31) He may be slow, but will eventually complete any home project.
32) He usually is brutally honest with me, sometimes telling me what I don't want to hear.
33) He will let me have the last slice of pizza, dessert, or anything we are eating for dinner.(Even though I usually don't want it, he always offers.)


  1. Ann, I love your list and that you gave 7 reasons because it was the 7th (makes me want to go back and add two more to mine today :)). Yes, I pray for my hubby but I find when my schedule is incredibly hectic I don't do it nearly enough. Working on that!

    1. Thanks for stopping in, Fawn! I thought it would be cool to go with a theme each time I add to my list for the "Why I Love Him" link-up. I know what you mean about life getting hectic and not getting prayer in like I'd like. Somedays, my prayer is very short....too short. Guess we all can work on this at different times.

    2. I agree, Ann! Love the theme :).


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