When God Takes You Into A Once In 50 Year Bomb Cyclone!!

I decided to take some time off from my "house hunting" updates, which is about the same anyway, to share what has been going on weatherwise close to our campsite. We've been in the middle of a King Tide(a common thing on the coast), as well as a "Bomb Cyclone"!!!

"The powerful bomb cyclone, considered the biggest to hit the Pacific in 50 years, has brought severe weather conditions to the West Coast, particularly in California, Oregon, and Washington. The storm, which made landfall on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, has resulted in the deaths of two people and knocked out power for hundreds of thousands of residents. The bomb cyclone has broken records for rainfall and snowfall in several areas.

 A bomb cyclone occurs when a cyclone undergoes rapid intensification, with a pressure drop of at least 24 millibars in 24 hours. This type of storm is different from a hurricane, as it forms when cold and warm air collide, often over cool ocean waters."

Below is a satellite view of the powerful storm this past Tuesday evening along the West Coast. Gladly, we were on higher ground and inland far enough to only experience a fragment of the harshest part of the storm. 

  1. Life is Often Like a Cyclone

    Just as a cyclone is a powerful and a dynamic weather phenomenon,life can be likened to a whirlwind of experiences, emotions, and challenges.

    The Bible teaches that God is sovereign over all aspects of life, including natural disasters like cyclones. While these storms can bring destruction and chaos, they can also serve as opportunities for spiritual growth and refinement. In Psalm 29, David writes about the power and majesty of God’s voice, likening it to a cyclone: 

The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord, over many waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty” (Psalm 29:3-4).

  1. When faced with a cyclone or any challenging situation, we first must acknowledge God’s sovereignty and trust in His goodness

  2. We also are called to humbly recognize our limitations and dependence on God.

  3. We must choose to exercise faith and trust in His promises, even when circumstances seem uncertain.

  4. Also, we should continually seek comfort and peace in God’s presence, and praise Him for His character and power.

  5. We can use the experiences as opportunities to worship God and ascribe to Him the glory due His name.

  6. Seek to embrace Uucertainty: Recognize that life is inherently unpredictable, and cultivate flexibility and resilience in the face of uncertainty.

  7. Find Moments of Calm: Identify and cherish moments of peace and clarity, even amidst turmoil, to recharge and refocus.

We must reminded ourselves that the Lord uses cyclones(literal, as well as in an analogy) in our lives to refine us, teach us, and draw us closerto Himself. May we respond with faith, trust, and worship, even in the midst of life’s storms.

I’m especially working on embracing and cherishing the moments I have within the stormy days….through photos. 

The beauty and creativity of God in sea life...

 Loud sea lions, gathered on a rock. 
I learned something about the purpose to their loud barking!!

"Sea lions, especially females, produce loud vocalizations when they sense danger or perceive a threat to their pups. During a king tide storm, the loud sounds of the storm may trigger alarm calls in females, leading them to bark loudly to alert other females and pups." 

The power of God in the mighty waves. We were at this spot a few days before the cyclone and king tides hit the hardest, but we did still see some awesome splashing waves!!

Check out this video I filmed on Youtube... 

The promises of God in a rainbow we saw over an area lake, while a drive.

 It's the beginning of Thanksgiving week, as well. 
In spite of the "cyclones" we may have had or are currently experiencing in our lives, may we focus our hearts and minds on what He has done to show His goodness, kindness, and love to us and He desire to bless us.
The song below is one I am focusing on this week!!
May we all make it a point to count every blessing !!!
go to:

"You’ll travel safely, you’ll neither tire nor trip.

You’ll take afternoon naps without a worry,

you’ll enjoy a good night’s sleep.

No need to panic over alarms or surprises, or predictions

that doomsday’s just around the corner,

Because God will be right there with you;
he’ll keep you safe and sound."

Proverbs 3:23-26 (MSG)


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