Well, we made it!!

What a trip it was!!!

(If you are a bit confused by this, read my previous post)

 Life has been anything, but dull, since we arrived!!

Our first project to do, unload our U-haul. That was a full day's work....over 8 hours of unloading and fitting everything into a storage unit. Once that was done, we got some time to catch up on sleep and just rest.

But, after a day of that, we were ready to start looking at houses. This was exciting for us, but also a bit disheartening. The handful of houses we thought we would be interested in all had some serious issues. After a couple of days of this, we took today off. 

We have been taking in all the beautiful scenery, from the forested mountains, to the coastal towns and cities.

We spent some time also walking the beaches and watching the ocean, along the Pacific coast!! The waves were crazy big. We had been warned about "creeper waves" on these shores. So, we didn't get too close to the water. But, ultimately, a small creeper wave caught Tyler by surprise and he got his boots soaked(gladly they were waterproof!)

We will continue to enjoy our new surroundings, as well as look for the perfect house for us....with the help of a realtor and, of course, the Lord's guidance. Please keep us in your prayers, as we continue this adventure. I will keep everyone updated, as new information is available.

Below are some pics of our trip on the way here, followed by our unloading day, as well as some pics at the beach!

"You’ll travel safely, you’ll neither tire nor trip. You’ll take afternoon naps without a worry,

you’ll enjoy a good night’s sleep.

No need to panic over alarms or surprises, or predictions

that doomsday’s just around the corner,

Because God will be right there with you;
he’ll keep you safe and sound."

Proverbs 3:23-26 (MSG)


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